Thursday, December 29, 2016

This Moment.

And I woke up this morning to a world full of promise. A sky filled with hope for the sun yet to arrive to kiss the earth that is still asleep covered with the blanket of slumber held by winters magic.
The light grows upon my eyes and I am always in captivation of what is to come for I can never be sure of the unfolding.
Should the clouds stay and tantalize me with a promise or will they wisp away and allow forth the glimmer of warmth that will rain forth through my windows and sooth the chill still resting on my tired body?
It is never promised, this day that caresses us. Though we would like to believe the morning comes for we have willed it to, the truth is it simply arrives whether we wish it or not.
The birds sing, melodious and sweet.
The sleeping branches sway their winter song.
All creatures bound by this existence continue each morning, each night as it has always been regardless of my current state of ambiguousness. Each moment in perpetual motion set forth by a hand we can only imagine to be there.
Yes, onward it comes and I reminded of my minuscule matter in this tidal wave of life. No more than the drop of water careening down the side of my cup pulled by a force I can not see, but propels me just the same.
Perhaps this is all imagination, fooling myself that I can direct the course my feet should travel. Maybe the destination is no more than words put together to ease my discomfort during times of melancholy. Time no more real than the imaginations of crazy thought bought by those still in their dormancy and willingly scuffed off to those too fraught with confusion to do anything more than follow.
It matters not. The morning will come on a chariot sending forth hues of pink and powdered blue to set the stage, an asseveration of a night that will step aside and ring on the golden disc that is our sun.
Morning, it seems, can not be restrained. Some will greet it dancing, rested on toes bursting with anticipation of a song yet to be heard. Poised for a choreography not yet written, but filled with curiosity and excitement, while others will offer no more recognition to it’s statement than that of their discarded thoughts.
And I?
The birds have awakened from their slumber, nattering on about things I can only imagine. The sky has opened and the sun smiles on all that my eyes can feast and beyond. Nothing is certain, and yet, though in the distance there are clouds willing to obscure the light now billowing onto my face, I feel content. Content for now to simply witness the nondiscrimination that the winter capped mountains hold as their faces glow with plumes of pink, orange and gold to hold there until at last their frozen tops lends way to white.
Relaxed to know that regardless of their seeming frivolity flitting about the landscape of prairie and tree, the birds will continue to sing a song I may never understand, but my heart cherishes it just the same.
Peace. Peace to know that this moment is unlike any moment preceding it, or that will come again. Knowing that in this moment I have captured it as a picture, imprinted on the pages of my soul and that each moment proceeding has the purview to extend to such heights and impermanent nature as this one.

One Earth.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016


Gratitude starts with ourselves. A simple acknowledgement of life. Like everything on this journey, it is an inside job and it starts with each one of us.
Gratitude is more than a word. It is a feeling, a knowing.
Knowing I could have been anyone, anywhere, with any combination of souls to travel with is awe inspiring! But I got to be me!
I had the blessing to have the parents and childhood that gave me the lessons and experiences that helped me evolve to the person I am today. Each moment, each circumstance and every choice I made led me here. Right now, this moment. Though there are moments in which I can honestly I was not proud, gracious, or even understanding, each moment was merely a lesson of grace. Through the rivers of time I have been learning and evolving in the gift of life with gratitude.
Gratitude starts with me.
Grateful for this body that I inhabit. Though there are times I have felt less than gracious for this life vessel, the more I have learned to appreciate it, the more symbiotic we become.
Indebtedness for this Heart. A Heart with its own voice and wisdom. My beautiful Heart that has shown me, that although I may not like a person, place, situation or even myself, even though it aches and gives me a sense of emptiness, my Heart still loves. Loves each person, place, situation and me. Unconditional.
Gratitude for my mind. A mind that has shown me a different view. A different perspective. Though it hasn't always been easy to hear a different set of drums it has afforded me a uniquely beautiful view of life. It is a gift and the more I see it that way the more my centers work together. Each one slowly vibrating at the same frequency forming an unshakable whole.
In the end there is always benediction for Spirit/Creator. For I carry with me always, the knowledge I am but a seed of the Universe from which all this is possible.
My path is often hidden from view, but if there is one single purpose I should choose to acknowledge, it would be to be able to show each and every being that they too deserve to feel gratitude for themselves. That each should know that they too are so much more than they think. That against all that we have been told to believe, Gratitude is not for a select few, for the more deserving. It is our right. It is the front door to our 'home'. May we all know that we are more courageous, infinitely wiser and wildly more gifted than we 'choose' to see.
Should Gratitude of ourselves be our top priority, then what a brighter world we will have gifted ourselves.

One Earth.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

You are not Too much

What a beautiful gift of life we have been given. Each moment we have the freedom of choice, thoughts, emotions and knowledge. No matter where we are in the world we have the ability to live in our own unique energetic way.

It is our uniqueness that brings such a richness to this plane of existence and so it baffles me that many of us are searching for ways to dim that light with monotone. Even worse we have this knee jerk reaction to always belittle ourselves. I can not believe how many people I see that are so convinced that their 'energy' is so bad! Let's clear up this misconception!

I completely understand when we are in a funk, we feel out of balance, or even crusty, that within ourselves it is uncomfortable and sometimes even unbearable. We are not 'bad', we may not feel good, but in the grand scope of things there is not good or bad. We are simply 'where we are'. Yes others can tell that you may not be vibrationally matched with them, you may even give them the willies energetically speaking, but that does not make you bad or too much to handle. Noticing this unbalance in yourself simply means you are ready to grow and expand from your box.....if you want to, on your terms, by your choice and at your speed.

Life wasn't designed for sameness anywhere and we are no different. It is a learning expedition full of twists and turns, colours and magic. Our frequencies are wonderfully different and full of knowledge and potential! We crave balance in an environment that is prone to extremism, but to think that it will all look the same is preposterous.

What works for one usually won't be the secret recipe for another. Find what speaks to you, and adapt it to work for YOU. Free yourself from self judgment and understand that you are perfect as you are in this moment and should you FEEL like some help and support is needed, then seek it on your terms. The fear that you are too much to handle and your going to 'blow up' your energy worker is a fabrication of the mind.

As every energy worker I have had the pleasure of sharing space with knows, we all have our own unique blend and technique that we work with and through, and non of it is better than, less than, good, bad or indifferent. It simply is and we embrace our unique styles.

We are where we are. Rainbows of experience blessing this plane with our idiosyncrasies.

One Earth.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Being an Empath is a gift

 Now more than ever it feels as though the number of Empaths are on the rise, that or more of us are becoming aware of our empathetic connections. Either way, here we are and though it may not feel like it, it truly is a blessing!

How do you know if you are an Empath? I believe we all are in some way, but here are some great indicators!

  • Crowded spaces make you uncomfortable
  • You've always been told you are too sensitive
  • You feel what others feel even before they tell you
  • Negativity overwhelms you
  • You have digestive and fatigue issues
  • Being in public overwhelms you 
  • Narcissists bother you
  • You get bored easily
These are just a few of the Empath traits, but the one that stands out above all else is how we 'take on' other peoples' stuff!
 Most people feel that that is just part of being an Empath and there is nothing we can do about it. For many this means they withdraw socially and build themselves into a cocoon. Most have decided that they 'hate' people. Others will turn to controlling everything and everyone around them just so they have a sense of control. Many will become 'people pleasers' because they sense that that is what is expected of them. All are ways of coping with feelings that are not their own, but they don't know how to deal with it and it can reek havoc on our lives!

As an Empath I have struggled with all of these and more! Though it felt like a burden at first, I have learned to use it to my benefit! As an Energy worker I deal with all kinds of energy and being an Empath enables me to receive guidance more easily, I can judge the air in a room better, and know whether an idea will be well received or if I should keep it to myself!LOL

I have found that through intention I can limit how much I take on. So while in sessions I make it clear that I hang on to nothing, but receive just enough to guide me for the betterment of my client.

My next big step is I take that which is within myself, and radiate that out. What do I mean by that? Well it is simple, energy runs in both directions (all directions really). Like a highway running north and south, you can travel in either direction just turn the car around!
We all have a gift that is true to us. That one thing within us that is always trying to greet everyone!
For me it is Joy. Now I wasn't impressed by this gift at first. My ego wanted for something 'more', but everywhere I went I had always been told how everyone could feel my Joy, even when I couldn't! Our gifts always show themselves! In time I realized what a gift it truly is and I am so grateful that it is my gift!

So not only can I take on and feel those around me, but the opposite is also true.  I simply reverse the flow of energy. I allow the energy within myself to now emanate from myself, sending out waves of love, compassion and Joy!! It takes some practise, but it took practise to keep yourself submerged in the onslaught of emotional poo too. It didn't happen overnight for me. I had to become aware of it first, trust myself to know what was mine and what wasn't, be willing to let all that wasn't mine go, and then practise. It is a practise, but such a rewarding one. When I started I began to feel lighter, I felt like I was able to flow through life better. It has truly impacted every part of my life for the better.

So you don't need to be the emotional sponge soaking up every ones poo, unless you want to, you can be, and deserve to be, the fresh air in your own life!!
We are all more powerful than we realize!

One Earth.

Monday, September 12, 2016


What does it mean to be a healer?

A healer to me is someone that allows themselves to momentarily 'feel' the being before them. To 'see' them with utter and complete compassion.
A healer is more than a piece of paper on the wall. More that a told story of 'years' of education. More than a list of successes that seemingly go on and on. That is ego and none of that matters.

Regardless of the modality one chooses, healing itself goes far beyond. Healing is participatory, as becoming ill is also participatory. The recipient is the ultimate healer. The Healer is merely the facilitator in the process. A simple conduit to aid in the recipients own healing ability.

When the recipient is resistant to the aid they have sought, then the facilitator seems ineffective. In reality one will only accept what one is willing to accept. If one is blinded by disbelief, feels unworthy, or beyond help, then so it is.

One must also do the work. In a society that is continually looking for the magic pill, or are of the mind that all must be a difficult arduous process, this can be difficult to transcend ingrained beliefs. This does not have to be, but it is a practice as it was a practice to believe the negatory in the first place. A practice to allow oneself to think and feel for oneself. The ultimate art of listening to ones own inner voice and tune out the other voices, if only for a moment. It is simply being in the moment and surrendering. To see that not everything needs to be offered a reaction, but that it all deserves our compassion.....we are all deserving of our own self compassion.

It is only then that a Healer can then aid in the release. A Healer is no more that a tool for the universe to use. We simply surrender ourselves and allow the universe to work through us for you. If we are resistant to surrendering then we are also ineffective. As only when we can offer ourselves compassion does our own self healing take place. To truly heal one must be willing to let go of perceived control, and surrender.

So at the core, for a Healer to be a healer, one must have compassion, be willing to allow the universe to flow unobstructed, and have a recipient willing to be participatory in their own healing.

Together we become an exquisitely sacred threesome united with the love that we are.

One Earth.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Ask and you shall recieve.....

So there I stood, staring at this being in the cosmos, of the cosmos. Nothing more than a vision of a silhouette containing the universe with the universe as the backdrop.

"Who are you?" I asked, for much time has been divided between wanting a name, and yet standing in trepidation to know.

"I am from the 7th dimension"

I recall reading that we should give our guides names, that this would solidify a connection. Make it perhaps, more personal. This beautiful being and I have intertwined magnificently and though I have always been curious, I hadn't really attached a name, always feeling it was not my place and that in time it would be revealed.

"What is your name?"

This animation merely guided my attention and led me further into the stars where we converge. With a graceful sweep, the veil was pulled back, like a curtain making way for the morning sun. The light that set forth so bright, beings everywhere. White, soft, warm.

"What is this?" I simply couldn't contain the intense feeling of bewilderment that enveloped me. How can this be? I'm not sure I can fully fathom the complexity of what I am witnessing. 

"I will be revealed here" was all it said.

And so it was. As I turned to look at my familiar the most astounding transformation occurred fixing my sight and confining me to the space in which I temporarily inhabited. Like the turning of a page this being turned from a silhouetted window of the macrocosm The same hazel eyes normally brimming with fascination, now returned their introspection. So pragmatic, so full of wisdom.

"You see here the veil of separation does not exist. There is only oneness. You are me as I am you. In the deepest recesses accessible only by deep recognition. It is only Ego that says otherwise, predisposed to the falsity provided by merchants of the lower self. Ignorant and fearful of the divine cloth in which you were sewn. Here we must face ourselves as ourselves. Take hold and forge bravely into that in which we are."

What then could I say. A benevolent thank you and then back to the here and now. A space now several lenses clearer than a moment ago.

There are situations in our lives that briefly consolidate and temporarily bring into view that which we are. A voice, a nudge, a complete and utter thrust into a corner that demands notice and states that you can choose to ignore it, however the outcome would not be comfortable. Change is inevitable, and to deny it brings forth less favorable vicissitudes in this life. Truths will be revealed and one can run, bury our heads in the sand, but the truth will remain. Acceptance, egos acceptance, is not required. Should we choose to surrender?....a tranquility will take hold that can not be fabricated.

And so it remains a mystery, the inner workings of this plane, but it does lend an insight into my own, our own, sanctity. We are not separate from Source, this existence, ourselves. The places I travel and those I connect with are not considered 'real' in the sciences we know today. There is no physically definitive evidence that can be obtained. It is only with the heart can we truly know for sure. We are Creation in motion. Sublime versifiers and representations in and of The Creator. Though I will say that Source is what ultimately guides me, I am also willing to say that I, in union, also guide myself.

One Earth.

Monday, June 13, 2016


I am happy.

The key in this statement is:


A simple yet profound statement I AM.

Our innate being is that of joy. The absolute and unrestricted joy of being here in this time on this very planetary plane of existence is who we are. We often refer to someone or something as 'making' us happy or bringing us joy, but the truth is nothing 'brings' us happiness or joy or love. We have unwittingly convinced ourselves that this blissful state of being has been handed to us from something other that what we are. When something or someone 'makes' us happy, it not that they have 'made' us, it is only that they have enhanced within us that which is already there. That piece of us that for one reason or another we have stuffed down to only come out during special occasions, or when appropriate.
To be joyful, gracious, peaceful is a power we all have and it is not needed to be stuffed down. Let it free. It's our right to dispel with anything that is meant to discourage our being. Our True being. Society has been designed to sell versions of happiness and peace, but the truth be told it cannot be bought. You cannot buy the Sun and tell it to rise and set, nor the Moon, so why do we think we are any less?
It is okay to wake up and feel the joy of a sunrise, rainy day, even a great thunder storm! This ideology that we are meant for stress, fear, a mediocre attempt to contain us. For some it is all we feel we know. It falls into the 'shoulds' of our ancestral coding, but it can be set aside and reset to our original being. Anything else other than that of pure joy has been habitual, and like any habit it merely takes an awareness, then it can be altered, thanked for the lessons it has taught, the experiences it brought then released back into the wild so we may allow room for our own light to bloom uninhibited and free!!
So let it go! Freedom can feel scary, but in reality it sets a level of comfort and security that is simply unachievable by any other means.

I AM happy
I AM joy
I AM peace

I AM a PERFECT creative expression of all that is!

Nothing else is needed, only you.

One Earth.

Simply Flow

Natural flow is the essence of being.
In attempts to bring forth more meaning much has been lost. Time is spent either defending the illusions of societal control, or spent fighting the systematic conformity of this self serving society. Both sides unwittingly resisting the essence, the balance, the flow.

It is not an all or nothing state of being. It is not conformity and yet it is also not the absence of conformity that brings forth the energetic pulse of life. It is understood that congregation holds a certain amount of comfort for many.  There is no one way. There never has been one way.

Whether one is immersed in a formal religious institution, group, or set of ideals, or running away from any particular ideal, one must remember that it is not these in itself that will bring about flow, but instead it comes from the individual and their uniqueness.

If you were to strip away all the rules and regulations. Take away all the ceremony and fluff. Let go of what is told to be right or wrong, good or bad, judgments, what then would be left?


The essence of being. Free. Uninhibited and unmeditated flow of all that was, could be and is.
A continual flow of cycles. Death and rebirth. An ever changing scenery allowing a deep knowing of guidance. Directional in only the way the wind can carry us. Picking up what speaks to us, then releasing what doesn't. Understanding that ideals are individualistic and not meant to be a bound set of rules, simply a temporary map in which the direction is completely up to you, like seeds in the wind.
Simply flow.

Know that the connection is always there. Conversations and support always available, if not always in the way one can expect. Whether the choice is conformity of the masses or a full retreat, know that either way the choice can never be that black or white for the soul is made to flow in whichever way the wind blows. The art of grasping is that of the physical and it is fear that urges us to confine our being.
Release and know that even butterflies understand that it requires the letting go of one body and stepping into another, a metamorphosis, to BE. Resisting nothing and just flowing with the changing seasons and floating along to an inner guidance that cannot be defined, but in complete trust of all that is.

Control is an illusion contrived out of fear. Let it go and allow your essence to flow. It will be the most beautiful sight you will ever see.

One Earth.

Monday, May 9, 2016

In the end it is God

"Did you ever wonder 'who' is guiding you?"

"Well sure, I am not sure what it's name is"

"No. Besides archangels, spirit animals and guides. Who is guiding you?"

Ooooo.... how very poignant! Insightful!
How beautiful to have such inspiring friends that make me look in different directions and insist I push the boundaries of conventional thinking!!

My first reaction was Fear.

Fear. Do I dare utter aloud what I have always known in my heart?
Fear. Wouldn't it seem pretentious to think that 'I' speak directly to.....?
I mean, let's face it, I am just me. Ordinary and flawed.

I was then stunned. Shocked to think that perhaps not many see this in a way that I do.
Is it really that different?
Perhaps not. For me it is simply logical.

There is a part of me that would like to keep this to myself, but growth comes from transcending fear. If it means only one other is able to find courage, relief, strength and a feeling that they are not alone, then it must be shared. Gone are the days of harboring knowledge for ones own sense of  importance. There is  a fire within, feelings that stir, that says there is a truth that can not/should not be contained.

Nothing I will say is ground breaking, or shocking. All has been versed by many, many others before me, it is only that I will say it in a different way.

So, who guides me?

God/Source, however you choose to label. I will say God.

It is through God that our guides guide us. Extensions really. A way we can identify in our own way. Everything that I have been shown has stated that guides are simply set at a lower frequency than God so we can communicate with God, understand messages, for we are of such a low vibration by comparison that everything must be toned down.

I am sure there is an air of truth, however it does not feel completely right, or should I say that perhaps it is not the whole picture. In so far as I can tell, we have been led to believe we are lesser, unworthy of the divine. Only a select few have been deemed worthy and notable. We accept this. Who are we to defy the teachings of 'masters'. They are, of course, more in tune than we mere children of the cosmos.

I will present you this. How can than that be? We are ALL derived from God. So how then can we any less able to have direct communion with God. God created us, the entirety of the Omniverse, so it truly makes me question how anyone should feel less than capable to have direct dealings with our own creator.
If we are merely an equation of frequency and vibration, energy, then we ALL have the full capability and ability to commune directly with God. As we are made by and from God, I feel we are already attuned, it is only our mortal mind shaping that allows us to believe differently. As this was probably part of the plan then I surmise our increase of vibration, truth seeking, need for spiritual freedom and ascension is too, part of the larger picture of experiences.

I do believe in guides of all sorts. There are dimensions and parallels that are truly inconceivable for most. I have one I work closely with. All of these guides are God expressing in different ways. If you set out to have a multitude of experiences and want to experience it ALL, then the spiritual and supernatural is only another way of doing so. Human experience, Earth experience, is not the only experiences to have. Ironic that we feel so small as to be unworthy of direct God experience, but we are so full of ourselves to feel we are the only beings of God creation!

So yes, who guides me?

God. God as archangels, spirit animals, other trans dimensional beings, children, animals, my friends helping me to push the boundaries, as itself

All God, for God.

One Earth.

Friday, April 15, 2016

How can I be happy when...

So often I hear,
How can I be happy when....?
I would be happier if....?
What is there to be happy about?

I felt like that once. There was always someone or something that was 'keeping' me unhappy. If only I landed this job, or did this work, lost this much weight, had this much money, lived here was with so-and-so, or if only my partner/kids/friends/co-workers was like this, did that, understood my way of doing, thinking or seeing.
Really the crap can be endless.

Wow! How much time did I spend in that spiral thinking?!

There was always happiness bubbling under the surface, but I always had a 'reason' to keep it at bay. Listening to the 'Happy Oppressors' was one guaranteed way to stay a 'negative nellie'. Another good way to stay in the dumps, was to believe in my story. In all my perceived tragedies and wrong doings, I had melded a great way to keep my head down and my soul tucked away from it's true being. I really had fabricated a beautiful piece that justified my reason for being so cynical and oppressed.

 As a child, my life was not easy. There was more than the usual growing pains to deal with. Though I will refrain from detail at this time, I have learned to acknowledge and accept these heartaches from the past. Even now I can quite easily reflect, not dwell for there is a difference, and each reflection brings forth a new understanding much like reading a book for the third or forth time. Something deeper always arises and that is usually based on where we are in that moment. What was once disdain and malcontent, was easily transformed into understanding and even love. For those distant occurrences and my willingness to step forth and OWN it have led me to where I am today, and they continue to help guide me, if not in the way that you would expect.  I made a choice to see a person, not humans. To be unbiased and try and view every angle that may lead a person to do what they do. The good and not so good. I may still not agree, but at least I can see them in a new light, a new understanding, and then that person becomes a being, no different than myself, experiencing life on their terms.

In the end it is not for any of us to judge.

Now I am not saying that I didn't have some hard lessons or events, I just began to see them in a different light.
In fact I saw them in the 'LIGHT'!
In fact, they were and are nothing more than lessons in this school of life. Events that carry on past like the pot holes in the road. Avoid them and hope for a smooth drive, or hit them head on and reap the rich lessons of growth and transformation, even the ones that catch you by surprise.

Each rain storm, blizzard, tornado (in some cases) allowed me the opportunity to grow. To see things I otherwise would not have. I could see the forest, or I could see each needle on each tree and every dance in between.

That's my perspective.

   "When you stop resisting,
      you see that what seems frightening is actually the absolute beauty of reality"
          'Adyashanti (The effortless flow of Freedom)

It is a choice this thing we call Happiness. The day my councilor asked me at the age of 17, 'How bad do you want it?' was a huge turning point, that ultimately led to other light bulbs flickering into my view.
I finally have come to understand that it is all in perception. I could carry on feeling sorry for myself, blame the world and God, or I could begin to take responsibility for MY LIFE, for this is my LIFE.
I am not meant to have the same opinions and views as everyone else. I am not meant to wallow in the pool of shit and disdain. I could,  but that is not the CHOICE for me. I finally came to understand that it was not the fear of what 'everyone' thought of me and my choices, it was the fear of what I thought of myself and my choices.....I was the judge, not the outside world, of my own insecurities and armloads of baggage. Though I spent a small amount of time now rejudging myself for taking this long to let that go, I did let it go.


Q.  How can I be happy when....?  

A.  You choose it.

Q.  I would be happier if....?

A.  You chose it.

Q.  What is there to be happy about?

A.   Everything.

I have CHOSEN to BE HAPPY. To understand that this dance we do can be our undoing or can lift us up to immeasurable heights.

The sun will only be held at bay for so long, for even the night must step aside for another day.

One Earth.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


If I could reach my hand into all that is,
   I would be reaching for you.
If I could summon forces that nothing can hold,
  I would be holding you.
If I could stare into the eyes of God,
  I would see you.

Know that in every light, and shadow we communicate. Sometimes I talk and you listen. Sometimes you talk and I listen, but always we dance in perfect rhythm.

See beyond the claimed righteousness that many impose and listen to our heart, for that is where our communication resides. They cannot tell you the path that you must take, the choices that you need to make. Only WE together know what we must do.

Free from the confines of the finite, you will flourish, WE will flourish.

You are the power and the infinite we have all come to worship.
You are the savior that we have all come to see. Our hopes, fears, loves, and hearts all lie with you.
You are the magic of the earth and the wisdom of the universe wrapped up so divinely in exquisite uniqueness.
You are the dream and the reality.
You are the pleasure and the pain.
A universe in the multiverse.


You are all that is, that ever will be, that ever was.

You are the collective.
Each a treasured and valued piece of honor.

You are me as I am you.

Honor our divine consciousness.

One Earth.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Garden of Fears

As I walk through the Garden of Fears,
   mildew and mold cling to my feet.

Darker still are the remnants of leaves, once vibrant with life,
    now pressed to the earth sticky with regret.

As I walk through the rows, my feet become cold with 'should haves',
    My hands drip with 'not enough'
    and all the while my heart shivers with emptiness.

But that is only a cloak....

For this garden,

This Garden!

Is in rejuvenation!

As all decay must first appear as dank and foreboding.

Just below the surface is a sheltered warmth,
A light,
  swimming below is birth, a newness of life.

For the dark becomes comfort,
Dank is only needed moisture.
Lonely is simply reflection.

Reflection of light and the inner knowing.
As each seed bursts forth, we hold hands.

Eyes become clear to the process of energy transformation.
All is temporary and necessary.

Welcome to my Garden of Flowers!

Every spark, a purpose.
Every shadow  a mere break from the heat of life.



Here not every laughter needs to be heard,
nor does every tear need to be wiped.

All blooms and decays in perfect symbolism, synchronization.

Growth is nurtured and uninhibited by the falsities of ego.

Welcome to MY Garden.

One Earth.

Hello Child

It is the child that brings and binds the innocence.

Children are innocent.
To be innocent is to be the Child, connected and one.

They flow together as a dance.
Both leading and following.

A spin,
A dip,

Breathtakingly inviting,
trembling with fear.

The choice is yours on which one, or which ones you choose to nurture.

Choose to embrace them all, or cast them aside.

Connected they are regardless.

Connected We are regardless.
It is the root of what we are.
Children in exploration.

One Earth.

Friday, February 12, 2016


     are my mornings of late.

Tossed in a tumultuous hurricane

     Blinded by light and laced with shadow

Breathless beauty

     Bound only by what my eyes can see

Sensuously open, temptingly inviting


     Simmering newness threatening to rise,

     begging me to notice.


     I take hold

    wrapped in fear, and bursting with anticipation

All is more than it appears

     peeking from my periphery,

    Golden scorching blessed adventure.


     Is my life

     Always a promise of new

     Always lessons of past

A Breathless life

     Demanding growth, gratitude, and love

Allowing shadow to intermingle with light

     toying me which to behold

Embrace both.

I will.

     For both contain nourishment

     Both bring richness

Breathless I embrace the morning

Breathless I will embrace the night


      For life is the deep breath before the Infinite.

One Earth.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

'Follow your Heart, not the Teachings'

As messages received in meditation are always important, I find myself compelled now to put them in writing, not just store them in the recesses of my mind and heart.
While journeying between our earth plane and the cosmos, I visited both. For both are integral to my, our, existence.
Both are pivotal to our development and accession. Collectively they are symbiotic and essentially one.

This visit brought forth a simple message.

'Follow your Heart, not the Teachings'

Simple and straight forward.
As I mull this over, it does not say to me, that teachings are inconsequential to our development, it states the opposite.
We have been gifted with teachings of all kinds during all times for a purpose. They are consequential and essential, but are tools for each being to absorb in a way that is unique to each individual.
How I process the teachings of any gift will inherently be different than the individual beside me.
It is our Heart, the seat of our own soul, that knows the path in which we must go. Each converging and disbursing in perfect sync. Each must set forth a path predestined for that individual.
No wrong
No right
No judgement.

So 'Follow your Heart, not the Teachings' let the Teachings be merely a sign post on your Heart path.

One Earth.