What a beautiful gift of life we have been given. Each moment we have the freedom of choice, thoughts, emotions and knowledge. No matter where we are in the world we have the ability to live in our own unique energetic way.
It is our uniqueness that brings such a richness to this plane of existence and so it baffles me that many of us are searching for ways to dim that light with monotone. Even worse we have this knee jerk reaction to always belittle ourselves. I can not believe how many people I see that are so convinced that their 'energy' is so bad! Let's clear up this misconception!
I completely understand when we are in a funk, we feel out of balance, or even crusty, that within ourselves it is uncomfortable and sometimes even unbearable. We are not 'bad', we may not feel good, but in the grand scope of things there is not good or bad. We are simply 'where we are'. Yes others can tell that you may not be vibrationally matched with them, you may even give them the willies energetically speaking, but that does not make you bad or too much to handle. Noticing this unbalance in yourself simply means you are ready to grow and expand from your box.....if you want to, on your terms, by your choice and at your speed.
Life wasn't designed for sameness anywhere and we are no different. It is a learning expedition full of twists and turns, colours and magic. Our frequencies are wonderfully different and full of knowledge and potential! We crave balance in an environment that is prone to extremism, but to think that it will all look the same is preposterous.
What works for one usually won't be the secret recipe for another. Find what speaks to you, and adapt it to work for YOU. Free yourself from self judgment and understand that you are perfect as you are in this moment and should you FEEL like some help and support is needed, then seek it on your terms. The fear that you are too much to handle and your going to 'blow up' your energy worker is a fabrication of the mind.
As every energy worker I have had the pleasure of sharing space with knows, we all have our own unique blend and technique that we work with and through, and non of it is better than, less than, good, bad or indifferent. It simply is and we embrace our unique styles.
We are where we are. Rainbows of experience blessing this plane with our idiosyncrasies.
One Earth.
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