Wednesday, March 9, 2011

It is time today to look at the person beside you and understand that they too have a story like you. That they too have perhaps done things in their past, like you, that they wish they didn't. That they too are trying to adjust to a shift that they may or may not understand in their conscious mind. It is time to see them for the beings that they are. Like you they are here for the experience, to grow and remember...Like you they are perfect. It is not your place to judge, but to instead accept that they are on their own path and that in the end you will all find your way. Love will get you there. Understanding will get you there. Patience and allowance will get you there. Your job, as with ours, is to merely allow all that is to do what it is meant to do. Just open your heart space and be. everything is as it should. Trust, allow, and love. Simple