Tuesday, December 22, 2015

In Reflection

In this time of reflection of the year soon to pass and the anticipation of the one to birth, I can't help but be amazed at the changes that come forth that we don't notice until it's passing.
For me, as for many, this year was brought in as a lion demanding change. Every aspect of my life called for it. Work, home, the space that lies within.
To be honest it was not all welcomed with open arms, yet it all yielded a shift that could not be ignored.
Each time I settled for a moment and allowed myself to stand back and simply observe the motions going all around and within, presented me with a new perspective. A new appreciation for the unfolding of life.
When I simply observed without judgement or fear, I found a renewed sense of self, appreciation, direction, understanding and always wonder.
I found that much like the tree feels the breath of life flowing through the leaves, tickling it's bark, soaking into the roots completely aware of all that is unfolding in and around it, knowing the absolute connection, there is always the core of doing what it needs to do regardless of the environmental stimuli around it. I too feel that connection. Intrinsically aware of the struggles and journeys of those around me, but also knowing my journey must unfold too. Kindly, gently, but with vigor and freedom. Less concerned with the opinions of others and more nurturing to the beckoning of my own spirit. No longer in competition, simply in joy and love with this experience and opportunity we have been given.

So it is true. The less the struggle, the easier the path.

More often than not, I have watched the settling of the moon to give way to the sun, willingly. I too have seen them share the open sky. Both magnificent, both essential. The reflection and the anticipation together rejoicing a new now.
One Earth.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Love is the Seed

This is a space we all want to live in. Often it feels like we will never get there. It arises, then wanes all the while we are left feeling disheartened because we were unable to keep ourselves in a space of Love.

What we have failed to see, or what we have chosen to overlook, is that no matter the state of emotion we are enthralled in, it is all derived from Love.

Love is essentially the seed in which all else grows.
Happiness, peace, non judgement, wonder....Love
Anger, jealousy, loathing, disappointment....also Love.

How possibly could the latter list be Love??
As I have come to feel, is that Love is the center of a wheel. Outwards it spreads the spokes of all emotions that we are capable of.
Anger is simply Love it a somewhat skewed form. It is what arises when we fight the flow of Love. Generally when we feel anger towards a person, place or object it is due to passion. We Love an idea so much that when it doesn't come into fruition as we anticipated we find ourselves angry. Angry for the thought, Angry for what we perceive is the reasons it didn't come to be. Angry at ourselves for allowing this to happen, not happen. Disappointed, even enraged, depending on the situation. Love in anything other than its original form is simply Love Dis empowered.

It all comes down to Love.
We Love children and animals, how could this injustice be allowed to happen.

We Love Nature, why are people unwilling to see what destruction we are doing.

We Love, we Love, we Love.

All the while we will call it by another name. Lashing out in a multitude of ways. Drawing inward and festering, reactive and explosive. All because we Love.

I don't say that it is okay to be destructive, but be understanding. This is where you are today. Ask yourself the questions and delve deeper. When the seed presents itself I assure you it will be Love.

Life is Love in motion. Experiencing all in every way possible. We need only to recognize this and then flow willingly to it's understanding depths.
Love never divides, it is only man that manipulates division. Only our Ego trying to formulate a hold in a world free of restrictions that tries desperately to find flaw and imperfections.

Life, conjured by Love, is all that is truly needed.

Free, unrestricted and bountiful Love will take you to places you forgot existed.

One Earth.

Different Shadows and a New Sun


They flood me
a low moan of wind


They rescue me
Bellows of past


Melodies invade me
take hold


Rages through me
the walls are thin


Marches forth from me
deep crevasses form


Settles upon me
foundations are weakened


Emanates from me
fingers let go


Carry me
storms fury


reenters me
dust subsides

And a new sun rises beyond the horizon
low and inviting
Breath recaptures presence
and life blooms anew
growing with fortitude and awaiting
different shadows to relive
the cycle once more.

One Earth.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Love is the Nectar of life

Love is the nectar of life.

Sweet, wholesome
Hidden in every orifice, every corner
Sometimes displayed in an array of fantastical colours
Often, glistening in plain view

Love is the nectar of life.

Without it the sweet honey of experience
would be void of emotion
Nothing more than a series of words and pictures
across the pages of time

Love is the nectar of life

Bringing home forgotten meaning
Sending vibrations farther that thought
can comprehend
Sending us forth from whence we came

Love is the nectar of life

The nourishment needed to set forth our wonder
bring forth our amazement
To bind us forever in a loving embrace
that has the ability to hold us safe
and set us free.

Love is the nectar of life.

One Earth.