Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Time to wake

No amount of prayers or meditations will undo the destruction our ‘evolved’ species has created in this, our home. That is simply superficial. It merely places a band aid on a bullet wound hiding the true horror that lies behind. It is time for brutally honest reflection. Take responsibility for our indifference and self proposed blindness. In our every incessant need to compete and fill our bottomless gluttony, we are reaping the rewards. Famine, extinction, global warming, wars are all of our own creation. Every time we choose to feed the commercialism, keep busying ourselves with mundane tasks crying that they are so important, we are not bettering ourselves or make belief markets. We are aiding in the imminent death of our world. WE have done this. WE are doing this. Placing blame on government, corporations or other ill designed faculties solves nothing. We use that as the scapegoat to sooth our pathetic egos. Every time we stuff our overpriced purses and unethically produced pockets with superficial trinkets and food like products, because we are deserving, work hard, need something to lift us up…. WE are creating the problem. Each tree that is taken because it is ruining our perfectly poisoned yard and disrupting the esthetics, is the work of social delusion. All of it designed to keep us in a perpetual state of not having enough, not being enough, to keep us in a constant state of trying to fill a deepening well of disconnectedness and division. It takes individuals to make a change. It is solely on the individual to get educated. To wake up. To think about every action or inaction one takes, and their repercussions. WE have the power as individuals. It takes bravery to admit you are part of the problem. It is empowering to know you have the power to change that pattern of blind indifference.

One Earth.