Sunday, November 9, 2014

Good bye baby Blanket

We are forever seeking. In fact we refer to ourselves as seekers. Seeking for answers, God, reasons, our purpose, the light, the truth, the one true way. We spend countless hours, years, seeking for the meaning of these seemingly insurmountable mountains. Some say that it is part of the journey. Each individual soul moulding and learning itself into divinity, or at least trying to. We convince ourselves that this must be the purpose. 'I know the truth for I have seen it, heard it, been told, taught, felt'. Perhaps that is so. We have assured ourselves that someone else, whether it be a teacher, preacher, guru, therapist, must have the answers, and for some of us that feels true. In the end, we all know the answers that lie hidden in the chasms of our depths, but we don't want to delve in there. Why? Because it is not what we want the answers to be. Oh yes we are seekers, but we seek for a truth that fits our personal thoughts. Thoughts riddled with conformity. Ideas tainted with the pollution of anothers' rights or wrongs. How many times have you caught yourself saying 'that's the way it has always been', '_______ has said yada yada', 'All the evidence says _______ and so it simply must be'. How many times have you known something didn't feel right, but you went along because you figured there would be no way you could actually make a difference? Or perhaps you feel you don't have the linear knowledge to argue with those whom have studied for decades....studied...yes studied someone else's, some groups' interpretation of how things ought to be because it fits to their view of reality. We seek to find what fits into our field of view, of our makeshift reality so that we can feel we have some control. As a seeker of sorts, if I have learned anything, it is that there is no set rule. Nothing for us to physically grab hold of. And that is scary, because it lends knowledge to how little control we have. What we thought is supporting us in our quests is nothing more than a weak thread ready to snap free from our grasp. It feels like falling, with nothing to grab onto much like sliding off a tin roof. Your just spiralling down, down, down. Ironically enough if you let the fear take hold and embrace it, you find that you are not falling at all. Simply gliding through your method of experiences adding to your own revolution. I like to refer to it as being an infant and finally have the courage to let go of table and take those steps. Frightening and freeing all at the same time. No we don't need to hang onto beliefs, teachers, texts, ideas, or the 'facts'. Your soul legs are more than able to carry you, and when you let it all go the seeking stops. We find ourselves just being. Adding our ingredients to a collective recipe of life. And yes you're a necessary ingredient. Yes you make a difference. Yes it all matters. To what extent? I don't know, but Everything, Everyone has a purpose, even when we are unwilling to see it. Not what you wanted to hear? The truth as we see it rarely is. Perhaps that is only a truth I am wanting to see, but the baby gate is down, the room is big and open. The floor, walls, and ceiling have all faded away and I am letting go of one 'supportive' instrument at a time. No longer seeking for something that will fit into this space, but floating onward in awe. To experience what comes my way and to see the wonder in it all. Good bye baby blanket. One Earth.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Where we all go

There is a place we all go that is beyond the confines of molecules, beyond where thoughts formulate words, far beyond the feeling of feelings. Yes. Here, where our humanity cannot comprehend, yet we know somewhere; somehow. Here where the everything is nothing and nothing is everything. We gather. Where moments are evaporated bubbles on a screen. We commune. Where peace is what is. No thoughts, no emotions, just observers awaiting their turn to congregate amongst the stars like seeds awaiting for the wind to set them onward to a new a start…a new way of being. We all go there. Where silence is all there is. The cosmos are merely reflections of ourselves and we reflect the cosmos. We all go there. To a place that is so familiar it seems strange, but we careen into its bosom none the less. We long for its embrace to rescue us from ourselves. Not too soon Love. Experiences are waiting, needed. Not too soon Love. Mysteries are waiting to mystify, electrify. Not too soon Love. We need to inspire, conspire, light on fire the world within the world. Not too soon Love. We will all go back there….here. Where our ancestors are our descendants and we are all. Shhhhh….You are already here Love. We all are. One Earth. :)

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

What have you done for your Self lately

When was the last time you did something for yourself? Are you thinking that you have just had a spa day, a night out with the girls, maybe you have a shopping day planned or you are finally getting an extra hour of some much needed sleep? Are you thinking of a time you paid it forward or dished out some good advice for once? Perhaps you feel going to the gym, buying those great shoes or managing the last piece of pie before the kids got to it, is plenty. Whatever the venue they are all great and we need to be free to explore these means that interest us, for they all can be momentarily gratifying. What I am asking is; When was the last time you did something for Your-Self? When was the last time you allowed the anger that rages through your veins bubble forth and scream to heavens until at last it was nothing more than a lonely leaf careening off in the distance? When was the last time you gave your Self permission to wail in frustration and sorrow until the last tethered tear rendered itself free from its prison of perceived control? Have you let your Self, even for a moment, delve into the abyss of hopelessness? Allowed those feelings to summon forth complete and utter helplessness and loneliness until you are nothing more than a trembling mass melded to the coming dark? There is always the other side that we are afraid to let free as well. Why would we let our Self be too happy and contagious for that will only allow us to fall deeper when the shadows peek around to pull us down to reality? Isn’t that what we think we are doing when we try and ‘contain’ our Self? Protecting it, sheltering it so it may not hurt too much, see too much, be disappointed too much. In the end all we have really done is let our Self down. We came in promising our Self the world of experience, however that may turn out, and instead we became a resentful parent trying to catch a moment of solace with a handful of empty promises we are too frightened to keep. Our Self needs, craves those moments of deep experience. Our Self has no concept of social decorum, no agenda for linear rights or wrongs. It is only committed to flowing forth to touch what our physical eyes are unwilling to see and our mortal minds refuse to acknowledge. Our Self is in an undaunting search to release from our containment and simply be. Yet we hold fast to our seemingly protective nature to control and in the end we do our Self the worst kind of indignation. Smothering layers of useless contaminants to silence the roar much like we would a child. Giving into the consumerism that is said to bring happiness instead of summoning up the courage to simply sit and listen …..and do nothing…and just be…..and truly feel the absoluteness of our Self. To know how perfect everything is. Not dark, not light, just being an observer and experiencer under one conscience. So I ask you again, What have you done for your Self lately? One Earth. :)