Monday, June 13, 2016

Simply Flow

Natural flow is the essence of being.
In attempts to bring forth more meaning much has been lost. Time is spent either defending the illusions of societal control, or spent fighting the systematic conformity of this self serving society. Both sides unwittingly resisting the essence, the balance, the flow.

It is not an all or nothing state of being. It is not conformity and yet it is also not the absence of conformity that brings forth the energetic pulse of life. It is understood that congregation holds a certain amount of comfort for many.  There is no one way. There never has been one way.

Whether one is immersed in a formal religious institution, group, or set of ideals, or running away from any particular ideal, one must remember that it is not these in itself that will bring about flow, but instead it comes from the individual and their uniqueness.

If you were to strip away all the rules and regulations. Take away all the ceremony and fluff. Let go of what is told to be right or wrong, good or bad, judgments, what then would be left?


The essence of being. Free. Uninhibited and unmeditated flow of all that was, could be and is.
A continual flow of cycles. Death and rebirth. An ever changing scenery allowing a deep knowing of guidance. Directional in only the way the wind can carry us. Picking up what speaks to us, then releasing what doesn't. Understanding that ideals are individualistic and not meant to be a bound set of rules, simply a temporary map in which the direction is completely up to you, like seeds in the wind.
Simply flow.

Know that the connection is always there. Conversations and support always available, if not always in the way one can expect. Whether the choice is conformity of the masses or a full retreat, know that either way the choice can never be that black or white for the soul is made to flow in whichever way the wind blows. The art of grasping is that of the physical and it is fear that urges us to confine our being.
Release and know that even butterflies understand that it requires the letting go of one body and stepping into another, a metamorphosis, to BE. Resisting nothing and just flowing with the changing seasons and floating along to an inner guidance that cannot be defined, but in complete trust of all that is.

Control is an illusion contrived out of fear. Let it go and allow your essence to flow. It will be the most beautiful sight you will ever see.

One Earth.

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