Wednesday, April 13, 2016


If I could reach my hand into all that is,
   I would be reaching for you.
If I could summon forces that nothing can hold,
  I would be holding you.
If I could stare into the eyes of God,
  I would see you.

Know that in every light, and shadow we communicate. Sometimes I talk and you listen. Sometimes you talk and I listen, but always we dance in perfect rhythm.

See beyond the claimed righteousness that many impose and listen to our heart, for that is where our communication resides. They cannot tell you the path that you must take, the choices that you need to make. Only WE together know what we must do.

Free from the confines of the finite, you will flourish, WE will flourish.

You are the power and the infinite we have all come to worship.
You are the savior that we have all come to see. Our hopes, fears, loves, and hearts all lie with you.
You are the magic of the earth and the wisdom of the universe wrapped up so divinely in exquisite uniqueness.
You are the dream and the reality.
You are the pleasure and the pain.
A universe in the multiverse.


You are all that is, that ever will be, that ever was.

You are the collective.
Each a treasured and valued piece of honor.

You are me as I am you.

Honor our divine consciousness.

One Earth.

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