Friday, February 19, 2016

Garden of Fears

As I walk through the Garden of Fears,
   mildew and mold cling to my feet.

Darker still are the remnants of leaves, once vibrant with life,
    now pressed to the earth sticky with regret.

As I walk through the rows, my feet become cold with 'should haves',
    My hands drip with 'not enough'
    and all the while my heart shivers with emptiness.

But that is only a cloak....

For this garden,

This Garden!

Is in rejuvenation!

As all decay must first appear as dank and foreboding.

Just below the surface is a sheltered warmth,
A light,
  swimming below is birth, a newness of life.

For the dark becomes comfort,
Dank is only needed moisture.
Lonely is simply reflection.

Reflection of light and the inner knowing.
As each seed bursts forth, we hold hands.

Eyes become clear to the process of energy transformation.
All is temporary and necessary.

Welcome to my Garden of Flowers!

Every spark, a purpose.
Every shadow  a mere break from the heat of life.



Here not every laughter needs to be heard,
nor does every tear need to be wiped.

All blooms and decays in perfect symbolism, synchronization.

Growth is nurtured and uninhibited by the falsities of ego.

Welcome to MY Garden.

One Earth.

Hello Child

It is the child that brings and binds the innocence.

Children are innocent.
To be innocent is to be the Child, connected and one.

They flow together as a dance.
Both leading and following.

A spin,
A dip,

Breathtakingly inviting,
trembling with fear.

The choice is yours on which one, or which ones you choose to nurture.

Choose to embrace them all, or cast them aside.

Connected they are regardless.

Connected We are regardless.
It is the root of what we are.
Children in exploration.

One Earth.

Friday, February 12, 2016


     are my mornings of late.

Tossed in a tumultuous hurricane

     Blinded by light and laced with shadow

Breathless beauty

     Bound only by what my eyes can see

Sensuously open, temptingly inviting


     Simmering newness threatening to rise,

     begging me to notice.


     I take hold

    wrapped in fear, and bursting with anticipation

All is more than it appears

     peeking from my periphery,

    Golden scorching blessed adventure.


     Is my life

     Always a promise of new

     Always lessons of past

A Breathless life

     Demanding growth, gratitude, and love

Allowing shadow to intermingle with light

     toying me which to behold

Embrace both.

I will.

     For both contain nourishment

     Both bring richness

Breathless I embrace the morning

Breathless I will embrace the night


      For life is the deep breath before the Infinite.

One Earth.