Monday, December 31, 2012

On the mark or off my rocker....

What a interesting reality we live in. Constantly in the throws of living in a mortal body with a finite mind and yet, gifted with an infinite personality imbued with a spark of the infinite spirit.
Each one of us in an eternal struggle to fuse them together. In that struggle we often hit on spans of enlightened thought. It rings true and set us in a cycle of awe. Unfortunately, what often follows is a feeling of being more than. We set out to say that We know the truth and You must believe and follow This way. Our minds set in to tell us that only certain people may know this truth, only by doing certain rituals may you be embodied with this truth. We then set our selves on a pedestal and call ourselves special. The draw back of religions. The assumption that there is only one way.
Each journey is personal. There is no right or wrong way and the goal is the same.
For me I find that I am not to get stuck in particular beliefs of the mind, of society. I must always be striving to adapt and shift in perceptions. What I held true yesterday is not necessarily what holds true today, or at least it has been expanded upon.
I don't have the answers. I do what I feel I need to do for me and yet I am able to expand that view to include all that are around me in a way that is not saying that this is how You must be, just how I must be in this moment.
Through all the pondering, changing, seeing, I find the art of feeling my way through has afforded me the greatest insights.
Whether I am on the mark or off my rocker I still feel that life on this plane of existence is about experience. The experience to know who You are and to experience who Everyone else is...whether we like it or not.....
I find I love it. :)

One Earth.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Imagine I will
The expansiveness of life
Cosmic relations brought through me

Dream I did
Hearts openness to fire
Minds widen to rivers flowing

Imagine I will
Space unfolding, a new page turning
Truth is spoken beyond the silence

Dream I did
Captive audience transcending lies
Subjects teaming for new

Imagine I will
New eyes widening to tears unshed
A chorus of songs melodious

Dream I did
Wonders remaining to feel
Magic is at our fingertips

Imagine I will
Breath beyond body
Movement in unreality

Yesterdays dreams
Tomorrows imagines
Today I will.

One Earth.

Monday, December 17, 2012

To my children

To my beautiful children, Bailey and Lane, in light of all that is going on in this world of ours, this is my pledge to you.

I promise I will Not buy you everything that you want. Not all the latest and greatest just because your friends have them.

No I will Not buy you something every time we walk in a store just so you will not throw a fit in public.

I promise that I will Not let you do whatever you want.

I promise that I will Not allow you to disrespect your elders or peers.

I promise that I will Not pay you to clean your room, take out the garbage or any other 'chore' around our HOME.

I promise you that you may Not sign up for an activity then drop out 2 weeks in "because it's boring".

I promise you that you may Not spend your weekends glued to the TV or video games.

I promise you that I will not accept 'I don't know" or "Nothing" as a good answer.

And as an added bonus, No I will Not let you survive on 'garbage food'.

I Won't let you do all these because I Love You.

But I will....

I promise I Will teach you the joy of nature and imagination.

I promise I Will show you the magic of life.

I Will teach you to respect and love yourself.

I Will teach you that the greatest gifts don't come from a store, and most of them you can't see, but you sure can feel.

I Will teach you the value of kindness and respect.

I Will teach you to see the wonderful uniqueness and love that resides in every living being.

I Will kiss you in front of your friends, heck I will kiss them too, so that you will all understand that love is to be shared OPENLY and without restrictions.

I Will teach you that true strength lies within.

I Will teach you that mistakes are a gift where you will obtain the most knowledge and growth.

I Will teach you that there is ALWAYS something to hope for, dream for and be thankful for.

I Will teach you that each day is a gift and full of possibilities.

I Will teach you that it is more important and effective to 'lend a hand' that it is to write a cheque.

I Will teach you to navigate with you heart and not rely so much on your mind. In fact I Will teach you how to find the balance.

And I Will do all this because I Love You.

As your Parent...

I promise that I will not grow stagnant and set in my ways.

I promise that I will not become stuck in beliefs.

I promise that I will do the best I can with what I know...In turn I also promise to always continue to learn more.

I promise that I Will make mistakes, but We will always be able to learn from them.

I promise to listen to what you are saying.... even the things you don't say.

I promise I Will learn more from you than you may ever learn from me.

I promise that I Will be your Mother first....but that role will constantly be changing.

I promise that I Will lead by example.

I promise you that even when you are unable to see your greatness I Will.

I promise that I Will probably not be conventional, or like other mom's, but you will never doubt how much I love you.

I promise you that there will be a time where I may no longer hold you, but know that I Will always be with you.

These are my promises to you, so that you may see that there is always Hope, Love will always triumph, and Peace is a journey of the soul not a destination, and no matter what I will always Love You.

X's and O's to the moon and back :)

Friday, December 14, 2012

Ordinary magic

Source. God. The one.

What ever we choose to call it, what is it to know God? To be God like?
Frankly, I haven't a clue!
Is God the stars, Universe, Earth, animals, sun, moon, man, tree, water? Does God reside hidden in our DNA, in a cell, pineal gland??
I feel God is none of these, and yet all of these.
I believe God won't be found in books, with teachers\gurus, through a telescope, buried in science or in the meadow silence! God is not meant to, can not, be seen with our physically linear eyes.
To me God is  a feeling. God may speak to us through things and beings, but God is not those things or beings. I feel God resides within all things and beings, but God does not control those or them.
Perhaps things and beings are a medium in which to convey to us (if we are listening) of his presence.
God to me is our essence. Gods way to experience, but not to be the puppeteer.
I don't feel that abstaining from certain physical or mental things will make me closer to God, or more God like, nor do I feel the need for a definitive answer to the existence of God.
I must, however realize the Holiness in everyone and thing even the perceptively vial.
We are one, fragments dispersed across the planes, dimensions and universes. Fragment pieces of a greater whole.
I can feel the earth, I have seen through the eyes of a flower and felt the tickle of the bee. I can feel the unspoken joys,anger,sorrow, fears, love and heart of people, but I am not them.
I guess connection is infinite. God is infinite. We are finite yet we are blessed with the infinite.
We are a molecule in the universe containing a nucleus of God. One that we may acknowledge, or not. We are experience, choice, already close to God, Are God. We contain the piece that was never missing and will never be missing.
 A mystery we will not know while trapped in mortal minds. A voice we will not hear while speaking with tongues.
For me God just is . A feeling of home, love, joy, peace. A heart song singing us home.
Perhaps God is an infinite journey of discovery.
 It is said that to know God one must know himself.
This journey is more satisfying than any physical movement or thought, for me. Full of wonderful discoveries to which I may never know the answers....What a joy!!

Maybe God is the ultimate magic of an ultimately ordinary journey......

One Earth.

Monday, November 26, 2012

I am but an Hourglass Away

I am but an hourglass away

through the looking glass it came
fraught with indignation's of sight
yet blinded by falsity

I am but an hourglass away

from the stars the sky took shape
the heart took hold and rose
but mind frosted the center

I am but an hourglass away

hexagons sang a sonnet
drums melted in reverence
although a trick passed though

I am but an hourglass away

feathers wisps across
shivers cascaded along in comradery
which may have been the shallow see

I am but an hourglass away
I am but an hourglass away....

heart is bursting from whence it came
drums mesmerising songs
and yet..

and yet..


 I am but an hourglass away
sand is serenading down, down
I rest in gently upon it's side

Oh! I rest it on it's side!

I am center..

The hourglass of eight


I am but an Eight here.

One Earth.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Ocean View

Have you ever sat and just watched the motion of water? Have you ever just watched it flow? Whether it is dripping out of a tap, gurgling from a mountain stream, whispering in a pond, cascading from the sky,  or rolling along ocean waves it is in constant motion and wherever it is, it is. No judgement, no reservations. It just is.
When asked about how I view life, I have found I have no other better explanation than it is constant movement in a neutral, non judgemental state of water.
We are all part of the same ocean, but each drop of water has it's own journey. The drops of water circulating in the depths are not looked down upon by the drops rising to the clouds to be released elsewhere.
Whether a drop of water spends lifetimes being released into the forests or becomes part of the nourishment for a plant, tree, or animal it is no more than a drop of water, but still no less a part of the ocean. If it is 'contaminated' and spends a time traveling the depths of purification, it is still part of the ocean. Should it be locked up in a block of ice for eons, it is still the ocean.
Perfect in whatever state it is in, where ever it may be regardless of time. It is still part of the SAME OCEAN.
Our own soul journey is our own. We continually send that information to our 'ocean'. And no matter where we are there should be no judgement. It is not my place or yours to tell someone HOW they should live or be. We should only advise when asked and leave the rest to them because their path may require them to experience something else.
We are individual drops of the ocean of life to which we will all eventually return regardless if we spend an eternity being contaminated by the forces on the shore or merely sail into the clouds to spend a moment before returning to the rolling waves.
Either way it doesn't matter, it's the experience, OUR experience that matters, because we will all eventually be back in the awareness of ONE.

One Earth.