It is the fearful person who thinks this is about a vaccine. The ones that think life is black and white, monochromatic.
It's about Freedom. Freedom to choose. Freedom for all.
For me it is the freedom to decide what legacy I want to be a part of and leave behind for future generations.
Just comply and you're free, is what they say?
How free did you feel when your child couldn't have a graduation? They spent the last 4 months of their senior year tied to a computer. No celebrations, no last hurrah before they head off on their own.
How Free did you feel when your kids couldn't have a birthday party? When they couldn't hang with their friends? Play outside at the playground? How free are the after effects of that?
How free does it feel for them to be left in a pool of anxiety and fear if they cough or sneeze that they will have to go and have a stick shoved up their nose? No birthday parties, sports, extracurricular activities, sleepovers, or play dates.
How free does it feel that when they finally get to go to school they get to learn segregation. Divided by grade and class. No hugging, no high fives, no passing an apple to the friend that doesn't have a lunch. The other, they are told, is a threat to their safety, and they are a threat to their teacher and everyone else.
Let us not deny the social implications. The impact on their social skills and speech development.
How free is that?
How Free is it when you're having to do your university/college online? Interesting that your tuition fee didn't reflect that. Less than half the university/ college experience for full price. How worth it does it seem now?
How Free did you feel when you couldn't go to work? You had to shut your business because it wasn't deemed essential?
How free did you feel not being able to have a simple hair cut? When your seniors couldn't go for their weekly wash and set? When they finally get to go, there's 4 months of cheap hairspray to try and wash out. How hygienic is that!?
How free did it feel to be locked up in a seniors home that you pay dearly for, and you are unable to see your family, friends, go outside, play cards, socialize. Your only connection is the staff dressed in Hazmat suits for your 'safety'. A literal jail that you are paying to be in.
How free did you feel not being able to be your loved ones as they were taking their last breaths? The last sight of this world is of a stranger who's face they can't see, hand they can't touch, kiss they can't have. Passing on denied those last precious moments of human contact.
How free did that feel?
When they passed, how free did it feel not having a funeral to honor and celebrate their life? When you were finally allowed to host something, you were left to decide which family could go and which could watch online.
How free did you feel when you couldn't travel to the neighboring province in your own country to see your new grandchild, visit your kids, parents, friends or say goodbye to a dying loved one?
How free did you feel when you are no longer allowed to decide what you can do in your own home? No visitors, no game night, no birthday party, BBQ's, no holiday gatherings, no sleepovers, no book clubs, coffee visits, workshops, Scrapbooking dates, movie nights or dinners? Each home was made into a personal jail of confinement.
How free did you feel when you've had to postpone your wedding or stream it online? How celebratory that must of felt.
How free do you feel not being able to go to your country of origin to see your loved ones or be allowed back into your country of residence?
How Free do you feel having been fully compliant and now worried you can't make your flight because you may test positive? How enjoyable was it spending the entirety of that trip worried you may test positive and not make your flight home? Or you found out you need a different test or brand of vaccine.
How free do you feel knowing your employer is more concerned about your personal medical status than they are about your years of service, your ability, your experience, your education, your willingness to show up, your references?
As a business owner how do you feel being told you have to reinstate segregation into your place of business?
How free did you feel knowing the rates of suicide, overdoses, homicides, domestic violence, child abuse, alcohol and drug abuse and crime are hitting all time highs?
How free did you feel wearing a mask and having panic attacks bringing back the trauma of almost drowning, being strangled, choking, being smothered, and all those terrifying events? Oh, sure you have an exemption, but it's not honored anywhere.
How free did you feel going to the hospital in full blown labor and the doctor saying he won't deliver your baby until you've had the jab? Better yet they refuse to see you at all for any condition without the shot. How free and comforted do you feel knowing the Hippocratic oath is seen as nothing more than tradition and the mandates are an easy way to only have patients that align with specific beliefs?
How free do you feel not being able to care for your patients and/or clientele properly because your are overwhelmed with the endless changing and added protocols.
How free did you feel being able to hang out in a mall, but not sit in a restaurant with your loved ones.
How free did you feel knowing you can't take your child to their activities or even watch them because you aren't jabbed?
How free do you feel having to disclose your personal medical information to everyone?
How free do you feel having to produce a product code to be "free"?
How free did you feel not being able to gather at your place of worship? How freeing is it needing a product code to join in prayer, worship, meditation? Where you should be welcomed with open arms of support, but instead they are forced to greet you with a scanner.
How free do you feel when the squeaky 10% is berating you for being either compliant or non compliant? Grouping you into the boxes of pro or anti because, of course, they think the world is black or white, good or bad, right or wrong.🙄
How free do you feel being censored? When you're no longer able to express your views that differentiates from the narrative on your own social media accounts and messages, because they get removed. You become red flagged.
How free do you feel knowing that freedom of speech is now only a catch phrase?
How free do you feel knowing your access to information is being limited, but the access to your personal information is readily taken?
How free do you feel when at the end of the day it wasn't enough? Just one more mandate, just one more jab. When all is said and done and your mental health is at an all time low.
How free do you feel being regimented to look at your family, friends, neighbors, congregation, employees, co workers, grocery clerks, postal workers, health care workers, servers, truckers, basically humanity as a whole, as a personal threat to your mortality?
How free do you feel when the protocols and mandates are continually changing and left for the interpretation of each individual business and center that you have no idea what the fuck you, or anyone else for that matter, is supposed to be doing?
If that is okay with you, if that is the legacy you are choosing to leave behind for future generations when you go, then that is your choice.
I can say one thing, I sure as shit, have not been feeling very free with any of it.
That being said, never, in all of revolutionary history, has it been recorded in a favorable light that they were just doing their job, just doing what they were told, just following orders. Don't get me wrong, it is an impossible decision to make to have to choose between feeding your family and providing a roof over your head, or holding true to your beliefs. A decision that is dependent on the individual and their circumstances.
It's the individuals who have chosen to willingly snitch on neighbors, family and friends, businesses and so on. Those ones that have bullied them into compliance with ultimatums and guilt tactics, fines and jail, that's what I am talking about.
Free indeed🙄
Well, that is not the legacy I choose. I choose the freedom to choose!
The freedom to think for myself. The freedom to live my life with integrity and my personal morals intact. The freedom to not segregate. The Freedom to choose to work together, to play together, to eat together, to enjoy each other, to hug each other, to kiss one another, to shake each other's hands, see each other, to travel together, love each other, laugh together, cry together, pray, worship and meditate together, support each other, to sing together, to dance together, to collaborate and create together, to wonder together, to learn together, to explore together, to grow together, to live with one another, to openly share information with one another, to speak freely with one another, TO BE WITH ONE ANOTHER.
That is the legacy I choose. That is the revolution I support. That is what this revolution is about.
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