Sunday, April 27, 2014

Shoulds, Shoulds, Shoulds

Should. Shouldn't. Why Should we or Shouldn't we? Lately that has come into my visible view alot. Mostly it comes down to 'I Should lose some weight, I Should start working out, I Should start....' and the list goes on and on. But why Should I. Logistically, I suppose to be healthier, firmer, happier. That makes sense, but why Should I? To fit a socially excepted mold? To fit in to a particular group of people? So my husband will be more attracted to me? So I will be more attracted to me? Huh. Well since when did we bend to this notion of Shoulds? And Who says we Should? The fact of the matter is, I am done with Shoulds. I have sat back and watch us do these Shoulds because some 'expert' with a generic model of what our skeletal and genetic model 'Should', in their view, look like and if you don't fit that...well you Should do something about that. How many times have you heard that to be in a spiritual practice, you Should You need to do this, eat this way, have a job in this field, meditate sitting is this position holding your hands like this? Really I could go on and on, but the reality is in any aspect that we look at from our physical being, emotional being to our spiritual being, someone, or rather a group of someones decided that this is what's what and we have willingly bowed our heads and gone along. Thankfully we are waking up to the absolute insanity of it all. There really is no Shoulds when we awaken. The only Shoulds that exist are the ones we choose to acknowledge. I am not saying don't have a spiritual practice, or eat healthy, or excersise. I am saying find out why you are going to do or are doing these things whatever it is. When I ask myself the question 'Why should I lose weight?' I came up with nothing at it's core. I go to Nia, not because I Should. Not because I Need to do anything. I go because I ENJOY it.I eat fruit and veggies, because I ENJOY it. If I choose to have a Timmies English toffee, well I don't beat myself up about it, because I am drinking one because I am ENJOYING it at that particular moment. If I lose some of my wibblies, great, if I don't that's great too. I am no longer in the hipicritacal cycle of doing things because socially it has been said to be acceptable. By hypicritical I mean I try not to judge those that don't see things and do things the way that my Ego says they Should. In fact I do a few things that in the eyes of medical, environmental, and social 'experts' would seem crazy. I have had people call me an oxymoron.I love nature and physical activity, but I enjoy lazy days too. I disagree with government and taxes, but I work in an accounting firm. The basis is there are no rules on how to be, but be happy. I am Happy with me at my core. I no longer let society tell me what I can and can't wear, eat, do, say, feel, look, work, raise my kids. I do what I enjoy and the only rule that I try to follow is to make sure I am not intentionally hurting anyone and that helps me honour my place in this existence. There really is no right or wrong, good or bad, there is just lessons and moments. Each one of us have our own take on life and no 2 beings are the same. Not physically, not emotionally, not spiritually. So no one thing will ring true for any 2 beings, so why do we ever think we Should do and be what someone is doing or being? The time to embrace our uniqueness is here...for me at any rate. Yes for me happiness, the glass is half full, there is a silver lining with everything is and has been a way of life for me, but accepting my inner me with my outer me is a new adventure in my journey and I LOVE it!!! The moment we are able to align ourselves and free ourselves from all the Shoulds...the freer and lighter we become. One Earth. :)

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Teach to be Taught

Lessons. They are everywhere. Usually in the most ordinary of places. Mostly when you think you are doing the teaching. I have 2 wonderful children. And from the start they have continually heightened my creativity, expanded my love and forever are teaching me. They unknowingly are showing me that no matter how young or small the being, they contain an infinite pocket of lessons as does everything....if we are willing to 'see' them. With Mothers day around the corner; a day where we are sent out to show our appreciation for our mothers, our mother figures, for our greatest teachers in life, I will continue with my inner practice of savoring my teachers dressed in childrens' clothing. For every piece of advice and knowledge I give them they present me with many more. They unwittingly gift me with the continual ability to change, adapt, grow, to not just say the words and teach the lessons, but to LIVE them. To be more than just words spilling out into empty space, but to BE the idea, lesson, advice, the learning, the adventure: To BE more than just the pages in a book but to BE the book, contents and all. My blessings reaffirm for me, that to be an effective mum, healer, teacher, Being, we must BE the practice we preach. To BE the space in which we know we are limitless. Yes, I started with the notion that I would be the teacher, and I have graciously grown into the student.

 One Earth. :)