Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Choices and Awakening

They shape our experience. These experiences collect to form a cohesion of one thoughtful experience to be played and expanded over and over again in a multitude of different ways. No two experiences are the same for no set of choices are the same. It is beautifully symbiotic, colourful and monochromatic all at once.
It then becomes ridiculous to think that Awakening should all look the same. Awakening is a journey of SELF discovery. A discovery of the paradoxical - We are individual - We are one.
We know this and yet due to our fabulous individuality we search and wander to explore a space that resides within us. But there again are the choices. No right or wrong, just choices to add to a collective experience. Another chapter to add to the library of life.
What ever the choice, the goal is the same - To Awaken.
There is no set rule, belief, study, lifestyle to determine whether you Awaken or not, it is simply by the choices YOU choose to make and when you get there you will know.
Well it will be so ridiculously plain and so ordinary that we are left with what I like to call a "Duh" moment. Now I am not saying that the workings of the universe is simple, nor am I saying that it's not. It is so intrinsically complicated AND simple it lends itself to an oxymoron. Complicated in the that the variables are endless. No two people will ever have the exact same experience (choices) or the same point of Awakening no matter the similarities of their paths and choices. Simple in that the end result of Awakening is the same. Complete connectedness. Nothing to do, say, feel or be, just nothing....which of course is everything!
A knowingness that says we are free to reach and stretch for the answers in whatever fashion suits us, but it also says we already have them...not all of them of course, just a drop.
Awakening is now.
Does this lend to say that there aren't lessons around the corner or new discoveries? Not at all, there is just a freedom of peace that accompanies them. It is all still very necessary.
One firing neuron in the brain is no less instrumental in the shaping of the infinite as one exploding star in space.
Every choice is exactly that, a choice. No right or wrong, no judgement.  It all adds to the garden of life that is watered by the wonder of the universe.
Miraculously Simple, Ordinarily Complicated.

One Earth.

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