Thursday, February 28, 2013

A Deep Breath

 I dedicate this to all the Lovely beings from our most gracious Teacher to the newest member, that I am blessed to share 2 evenings of bliss with every week. You have Amazed, Transformed, Inspired, Enlightened and Opened me in ways I can not adequately express. You continue to do so long after the beads of sweat have been washed away, unknowingly and effortlessly.
This is for you. This is how you make me feel.....

A Deep Breath

Early Evening, it is time
The body begins to awake
reaching, stretching for the I am
Acknowledging the heavens.
Touching heart.
The Love is awakened
Bow to the earth
I feel You
Above, Centre, Below
The I LOVE YOU in form

It starts a whisper beckoning.
The dream begins to play
Soft caresses within the ear
This is for Us
Mesmerizing hope,
a longing deep inside
A burst of colour radiates
The lights fall and the shadows disappear
The body no longer tied to time
Magic descends, Love flows forth
and she sings...and She SINGS
deep breath.......AAAAHhhhhhhhhhh
A sensuous wisp settles sending forth the spirit,
the life
Inspiration abounds, calm, open, abundant
leaving the soul window open
Open peace, Open eye, Open love, Open soul




One Earth

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Beliefs and Faith

Belief and Faith.
Most of us think that these two are synonymous. We feel because we believe in a set string of belief systems that it must show faith, must bring us closer to Source, I Am, God.
For me they are not the same. I feel Faith transcends Belief. Belief gives us a linear, physical way to try and bring us closer to the truth. Beliefs are and attempt to satisfy the mind, comfort our short comings (as we perceive them). Beliefs are designed to make us feel that we must be more dedicated. If we deprive our physical self of certain foods and substances we must surely be closer to God. If we smudge we must be clear of negative energy. If we follow a set standard of teachings we must surely be closer to enlightenment.
Beliefs can allow us to put responsibility on some outside force. The paradigm of humanity..take responsibility for ones self, but you can rely on ??? to do it for you because I have been taught that, or it is tradition.
Faith is not something we do. It is not found in texts, drawings, teachings. It has nothing to do with what we do physically, where we were born, our lineage. It is not laid out in ceremonies handed down or newly created, in dances, scriptures or in nature.
Faith lives in our heart. It is an infinite knowing that there is a higher power, consciousness, even though we can not say why we know it is a feeling that cannot be described; although many have tried. It is not something you can dress up, make more appealing, bend to the control of a select few. It simply just is.
I am not saying beliefs are not necessary to us. Often times we need them if only to find a faith that was there all along. I just find beliefs, when we allow them, can be limiting our individual experiences. How often have you found yourself, or someone else, refusing to entertain an idea because it goes against their beliefs?
Beliefs are often judged because it is out there for all to see, because your beliefs are different than mine. Our Faith resides within a space that can only individually be felt with a side of collective oneness.We believe individually that we have the answers (or some of them) we have Faith that really we know nothing, but we are divinely cared for.
We have allowed ourselves to think that attending church weekly, is showing our Faith. That deprivation and self induced suffering shows Faith, worshiping practises and gurus and idols shows Faith.
I Believe in humanity. Humanity can be very inspiring and can create magic when put to the test. I, however do not have Faith in humanity for it is dependent on individuals who can be less than inspired by their own individual potential for greatness.
I have Faith in the divine order. It cannot be seen or shown. There are not ceremonies. My Faith in the higher consciousness requires nothing more than for me to acknowledge it within my heart.
I Believe in a lot of things and the more I learn and see the more these Beliefs grow to encompass more. They are in a constant state of expansion. Beliefs can continue to expand or we can allow them to become set and stagnant.
My Faith, however, is constantly simple. It is an absolute. It is the one thing that regardless of new information, it remains. For me the Faith in an absolute being and plan has not wavered regardless of what my mind has learned. It is simple, unexplainable and constant. On a plane of existence where duality is ever present and is part of the experience, My faith remains the same, but my Beliefs for truth seeking is constantly evolving. I have Faith in something that is far more than we can comprehend on this plane of existence, and it is through this that all else comes.

I don't have Faith because I Believe, I Believe because I have Faith.

One Earth.