Thursday, August 19, 2010

Come 'Fly' with me

Perception…..Isn’t it amazing how merely shifting ones perception on any situation, can completely alter the end result of one’s experience?

I was sitting on a rock watching my kids play in the pond, having a nice conversation with my mother-in-law when low and behold a horse fly decides it would like to have a piece of me. After buzzing around me for a bit and looking for the best place in which to make his move, he eventually finds my arm. Holy cow did that hurt! Would you believe he then proceeded to land on my leg looking for seconds!? My first thought was to whack the little fiend make him hurt!!

We all have had a few individuals and experiences that have flitted in and out of our life that have hung around sucking out every ounce of energy they can and, when they have found that the river is no longer flowing their way, they eventually seek the most favourable spot and take a bite. Now whether it is intentional or not we are usually left with a feeling of regret, guilt and a sore spot. “What did I do?” “I should maybe have done…” “Perhaps I should learn to suck it up” or the “I would like to drive a bus over that one!” “Ungrateful little….”

Well you get the idea. We usually either blame ourselves and/or the other person/situation for leaving us feeling alone, sore and vulnerable for another attack on one level or the other. That, my friend, is when it is time to change the perception.

We are never really alone, the hurting won’t last, and we all have that protective layer that keeps us safe. The outer lining of ourselves that lets us let in only what we want. When we open our eyes and are able to see that we have that ability….Wow! What a sense of liberation! Suddenly what we saw as a negative really became a positive. We gain confidence in our own ability to look beyond the hurt and see the lesson, which is always a gift. To fly in our own light and see the bigger picture.

Needless to say I didn’t end his already short existence. My arm didn’t really hurt that bad. It was merely the thought of being caught off guard. So as he wandered around on my leg, I knew I was safe…I had pants!! I made the choice instead, to view him through the lens of my camera and see the truly amazing gift he left me……..Perception.

I thank you all for allowing me this creative outlet and I thank the Universe for allowing me to see things in a different light!

With much gratitude

1 comment:

Owl said...

Welcome aboard my friend! Excellent writing, but now you are going to make me feel guilty for not writing more on mine! :-)