Monday, January 30, 2017

Suits of Power

Often we hand over our power to others. Our parents, our friends, society. We hang on to a story largely built on anothers' opinion of us. What we 'should' be doing. Who we 'should' be. Where we 'should' be.
We take these packages without bothering to see where they are coming from. When we feel slighted, belittled, disrespected, we automatically blame the other. In that moment we have willingly handed over the guidance system for our own vessel.
But....We can regain control of our ship! By doing the internal work and asking the hard questions, we can transcend the public transportation we have so expertly ridden.
We often convince ourselves that we don't want to see what we are reflecting. When looking in the mirror, we quickly fall into the line of self judgment. With a little tweaking of perception, we can learn to go beyond that. It then becomes much like having to walk through the spiders web to reach Eden! An adventure sprinkled with fear and bound by bravery! How much do we truly yearn for that space of acceptance, and how bravely can we nurture ourselves to get there?
Like the old saying goes it is representative of the onion. Layers upon layers. The deeper we go, the closer to the core we get.
How do we do this?
We take a moment.
We begin to settle and begin to ask questions.

Why did that make you upset?
It made me feel bad, small and insignificant.
Why did it make you feel small and insignificant?
Because I have always been made to feel that way when I step forward.
Why have you always felt that way?
Any time I would share my thoughts I was always told I didn't know anything.
Why do you think you didn't know anything?
Because that's what everyone told me.
So you feel you don't know anything because 'others' told you so?
In your heart did your thoughts make sense to you?
So then you have assumed they know your own genius better than you do and you are looking for validation.

At the end of the day, we have taken on the opinions and insecurities of others. We learn to ignore our own heart constantly searching for a place to fit in. We learn to play small and insignificant within ourselves. In turn we turn to the outside to gain recognition for which we can not sustain. Forgetting that our own heart and skin is the only place we need to fit in.
We long for validation and apology from outside forces. Should it arrive, we are still left empty for know one can truly know our individual heart. True understanding, as we imagine it to be, is futile. A sense of commonality at this level lies only in our imagination.
We need to venture one step further to fully take the wheel of our own vessel. It is a surrendering to ourselves. At the core, beyond all training and blind belief, we ourselves feel insignificant and small. We have allowed this to radiate out like a beacon beckoning to prove us right in our own view of ourselves. Due to our own lack of self respect and self love we have unwittingly set ourselves up to receive only that which validates our own lack of self worth.
Cultures all over the world have shown us the importance of the self. Journeying, soul retrievals, meditations, prayer to name a few, are all tools to reconnect to our own divinity. Find and love the unique being you are so we too may see and stand in awe!
It is a lone journey, this life. The journey to the self can carry no company.
As Lady Galadriel says to Frodo, "To bear a ring of power is to be alone."
We all bear a ring of power, only ours comes as a suit. Bearing our suits of power. Alone. A vessel of flesh, blood and bone. No one can truly understand our suit for it has room for only one.
That is where the beauty lies. A gift beyond all measure. Though we are alone in this gift, so is all others upon this Earth. Each one only responsible to wear and care for their own Suits of power as we all travel along a path of our own choosing. It is what we all share. The responsibility of loving and honoring ourselves lies within ourselves. Each of us holds a heart that only speaks to us, in a language that only we can understand. A guidance system only we can truly operate.
That is where the communion lies. All of us individual drops in the ocean of life. Together individually bound by our suits.
Together we make the human experience.
Together life.

One Earth.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Stories in winter.

Every life is fraught with stories. Stories of an existence beyond the memories of the mind.
Some come to me in dreams while others hang on the edge of a formless thought.
All seem lost beneath a blanket of fresh fallen snow. Wisps of a time just beyond my reach, peeking like the last blades of grass rendering for the final breath of light.

There they lie. Absorbed by an ever changing landscape of experiences and speculation.

Most seem unattainable, but all lend qualities we can not yet ascertain to this momentary stop in this our cosmic journey.

The passages of time will continue to fall, and all in it's path will seem forever a formless image, but beneath the qualm that shifts and reshapes like the accumulations of snow dancing in the wind, images will expose but a paltry piece to add to an ever amassing puzzle.

It matters not, these stories painted white on white. For me they are indulgences in which to bind meaning and excitement to a life already permeated with expansion. The inspection, though full of enthrallment and promises of magic, allows for a momentary solace like one would use a puzzle. To gaze searching for the next piece of a work that will never truly be done, but will tantalize me to attempt it's grandeur non the less.

So as my eyes peruse the geometrics of winter descending weightlessly on the breeze, I configure yet another specimen to an already abundant story. Each segment coming to a momentary cessation upon which to discover and speculate what may lie within each spatial branch of an already miraculous essence.

One Earth.