Monday, May 9, 2016

In the end it is God

"Did you ever wonder 'who' is guiding you?"

"Well sure, I am not sure what it's name is"

"No. Besides archangels, spirit animals and guides. Who is guiding you?"

Ooooo.... how very poignant! Insightful!
How beautiful to have such inspiring friends that make me look in different directions and insist I push the boundaries of conventional thinking!!

My first reaction was Fear.

Fear. Do I dare utter aloud what I have always known in my heart?
Fear. Wouldn't it seem pretentious to think that 'I' speak directly to.....?
I mean, let's face it, I am just me. Ordinary and flawed.

I was then stunned. Shocked to think that perhaps not many see this in a way that I do.
Is it really that different?
Perhaps not. For me it is simply logical.

There is a part of me that would like to keep this to myself, but growth comes from transcending fear. If it means only one other is able to find courage, relief, strength and a feeling that they are not alone, then it must be shared. Gone are the days of harboring knowledge for ones own sense of  importance. There is  a fire within, feelings that stir, that says there is a truth that can not/should not be contained.

Nothing I will say is ground breaking, or shocking. All has been versed by many, many others before me, it is only that I will say it in a different way.

So, who guides me?

God/Source, however you choose to label. I will say God.

It is through God that our guides guide us. Extensions really. A way we can identify in our own way. Everything that I have been shown has stated that guides are simply set at a lower frequency than God so we can communicate with God, understand messages, for we are of such a low vibration by comparison that everything must be toned down.

I am sure there is an air of truth, however it does not feel completely right, or should I say that perhaps it is not the whole picture. In so far as I can tell, we have been led to believe we are lesser, unworthy of the divine. Only a select few have been deemed worthy and notable. We accept this. Who are we to defy the teachings of 'masters'. They are, of course, more in tune than we mere children of the cosmos.

I will present you this. How can than that be? We are ALL derived from God. So how then can we any less able to have direct communion with God. God created us, the entirety of the Omniverse, so it truly makes me question how anyone should feel less than capable to have direct dealings with our own creator.
If we are merely an equation of frequency and vibration, energy, then we ALL have the full capability and ability to commune directly with God. As we are made by and from God, I feel we are already attuned, it is only our mortal mind shaping that allows us to believe differently. As this was probably part of the plan then I surmise our increase of vibration, truth seeking, need for spiritual freedom and ascension is too, part of the larger picture of experiences.

I do believe in guides of all sorts. There are dimensions and parallels that are truly inconceivable for most. I have one I work closely with. All of these guides are God expressing in different ways. If you set out to have a multitude of experiences and want to experience it ALL, then the spiritual and supernatural is only another way of doing so. Human experience, Earth experience, is not the only experiences to have. Ironic that we feel so small as to be unworthy of direct God experience, but we are so full of ourselves to feel we are the only beings of God creation!

So yes, who guides me?

God. God as archangels, spirit animals, other trans dimensional beings, children, animals, my friends helping me to push the boundaries, as itself

All God, for God.

One Earth.