As messages received in meditation are always important, I find myself compelled now to put them in writing, not just store them in the recesses of my mind and heart.
While journeying between our earth plane and the cosmos, I visited both. For both are integral to my, our, existence.
Both are pivotal to our development and accession. Collectively they are symbiotic and essentially one.
This visit brought forth a simple message.
'Follow your Heart, not the Teachings'
Simple and straight forward.
As I mull this over, it does not say to me, that teachings are inconsequential to our development, it states the opposite.
We have been gifted with teachings of all kinds during all times for a purpose. They are consequential and essential, but are tools for each being to absorb in a way that is unique to each individual.
How I process the teachings of any gift will inherently be different than the individual beside me.
It is our Heart, the seat of our own soul, that knows the path in which we must go. Each converging and disbursing in perfect sync. Each must set forth a path predestined for that individual.
No wrong
No right
No judgement.
So 'Follow your Heart, not the Teachings' let the Teachings be merely a sign post on your Heart path.
One Earth.