Have you ever sat and just watched the motion of water? Have you ever just watched it flow? Whether it is dripping out of a tap, gurgling from a mountain stream, whispering in a pond, cascading from the sky, or rolling along ocean waves it is in constant motion and wherever it is, it is. No judgement, no reservations. It just is.
When asked about how I view life, I have found I have no other better explanation than it is constant movement in a neutral, non judgemental state of Oneness....like water.
We are all part of the same ocean, but each drop of water has it's own journey. The drops of water circulating in the depths are not looked down upon by the drops rising to the clouds to be released elsewhere.
Whether a drop of water spends lifetimes being released into the forests or becomes part of the nourishment for a plant, tree, or animal it is no more than a drop of water, but still no less a part of the ocean. If it is 'contaminated' and spends a time traveling the depths of purification, it is still part of the ocean. Should it be locked up in a block of ice for eons, it is still the ocean.
Perfect in whatever state it is in, where ever it may be regardless of time. It is still part of the SAME OCEAN.
Our own soul journey is our own. We continually send that information to our 'ocean'. And no matter where we are there should be no judgement. It is not my place or yours to tell someone HOW they should live or be. We should only advise when asked and leave the rest to them because their path may require them to experience something else.
We are individual drops of the ocean of life to which we will all eventually return regardless if we spend an eternity being contaminated by the forces on the shore or merely sail into the clouds to spend a moment before returning to the rolling waves.
Either way it doesn't matter, it's the experience, OUR experience that matters, because we will all eventually be back in the awareness of ONE.
One Earth.