Have you ever looked up and watched moths or butterflies flutter around? It looks so helter skelter especially when there are two of them. This random un-choreographed performance in where it appears that they haven’t a clue what they are doing or where they are going or who is watching. Just fluttering around a center that we can’t see.
It is beautiful.
Most people think of movement in the physical sense of the word, but as we become more aware we find that movement exists on all levels. I also find that when you are making a move to enhance your emotional and spiritual level, stretch your wings, you come across the same obstacles. Most can’t wrap their mind around something that isn’t ‘physically’ tangible, a dance that has no specific steps, a path with an unknown destination. If they can’t ‘see’ it then it mustn’t be……you must have lost your marbles!
When I began to get off the mental couch and stretch and allow the other sides of me to wake up and move…..well let’s just say I spend a lot more of my free time on my own. A little disconcerting at first to be so disregarded and judged….to feel like I should be committed for wanting something other than the Lazy-Boy and Real Housewives of Orange County! Just sit back down and stay in the unconscious! Re-Runs are great!
What I felt at first as a great injustice, and direct attack, has in turn, become a blessing. My ‘feet’ tingle with excitement and this new station, it has no re-runs and the characters are so REAL and multi-dimensional!
Movement on an emotional and spiritual level with no choreography, no right or wrong, no specific destination. Fluttering around an invisible center and enjoying the grace of it in its uncensored state. Flying above myself, being myself, with myself.